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    • Reminder of Education Sessions

      Reminder of Education Sessions

      by SD73 DPAC - 
      Just a reminder of some awesome education sessions coming up for parents:
      1.  Thursday, January 28, 2021 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.  SOCIAL MEDIA/DIGITAL AWARENESS
      As a parent, you lead the charge as a digital role model. Help your child develop a strong digital citizenship foundation while reminding them that their digital tattoo reflects their real and online selves. Parents have an important role to play in providing support and guidance during critical pe­riods. A snapshot of current trends and concerning apps will be provided to equip you in your digital parenting strategy.
      • Social Media Update - The most current apps and trends in your children’s social media lives
      • Pick Your Battles! - Balance the yin with the yang, promote independence while taking a strong stance on certain subjects
      • Current Research - Brain development, technology, and violent video games
      • Digital Footprint and Reputation - With their future approaching, recruiters and employers are taking note – What will they find?
      • Strategies to use at home - Recommendations for family rules, parental controls, and developing a family tech plan
      90-minute presentation followed by a 30-minute Q&A. Offered virtually through ZOOM. To register click here.
      2.  Elementary Student SOGI Champions: February 2nd :
      Vessy Mochikas is looking for volunteers from grade 6 and 7 to join a zoom meeting to talk about SOGI in elementary schools.  Does your school have a leadership student in grade 6/7 who would like to volunteer on this important district committee to represent their school?  Does your school have a LGBTQ2+ student who would like to provide input to help make our entire school district a better, safer place?  Please forward their name to Vessy!  Details below:
      • Grade 6-7 Student SOGI Champion meeting on February 2nd from 1:30-2:30 pm. I'd appreciate it if you could forward me the name of 1-2 students who would be willing to participate in an elementary SOGI lead meeting where I ask them about how school is going: what is going well, what needs to improve, advice for educators, ideas for social connections via social platforms. Email:
      3.  Askable Adult/NAVIGATING THE TALKS is BACK!  Our very own certified sexual health educator Martha Solomon providing THREE DIFFERENT "Navigating the Talks" focusing on different age groups!  You must pre-register to participate BY EMAILING SD73DPACZOOM@GMAIL.COM, but these 2 hour Zoom sessions are FREE to attend.
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    • Tonights General Meeting

      Tonights General Meeting

      by SD73 DPAC - 
      Hello! It is the general meeting tonight at 6:30 pm.  Andrea Sinclair, BCCPAC President, will be in attendance to present:  
      Session Title:
      Understanding Parent Stakeholders in Public Education
      Session Description:
      During this session Andrea will provide an overview of BCCPAC and its role at the provincial table and number of key things PACs should be aware of and practicing, such as: the importance of the PAC/DPAC and their role within the school and the district including advocacy; why an updated Constitution and Bylaws is critical; why communication and transparency are important and can be done easily; there's more to PACs than just fundraising; benefit of being involved at DPAC level, and a few general tips and tricks for ensuring your PAC is more knowledgeable
      Any parent is welcome to attend but just know if you are not an elected DPAC representative, you will be ineligible to vote.
        if you would like to attend, please email me at:
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    • Upcoming Parent Education Session

      Upcoming Parent Education Session

      by SD73 DPAC - 

      SD 73 DPAC presents a FREE online workshop with Martha Solomon, Certified Sexual Health Educator.

      Pre-registration is required. All workshops from 6:30-8:30PM Dates: February 11th, The Early Years (preschool-grade 3 February 18th: The middle Years (grades 4-7) March 4th: The Teen Years (grades 8+)
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